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Sunday, September 17, 2006


Union negotiations at the Cerrejon mine

Reply-To: Avi Chomsky

Date: Sep 15, 2006 7:07 PM

I just received the following from Jaime Delúquez, president of the union at the Cerrejon mine. It is very important that we support the union in its courageous--and unprecedented--step in taking on the rights of communities like Tabaco and Tamaquito in its bargaining proposal. We can do this by letting Cerrejon know that THE WORLD IS WATCHING these negotiations, and that ITS REPUTATION IS AT STAKE.

One way to do this is by getting important people--union leaders, political figures, power plant owners--to write letters supporting the union and its demands. I will fax these letters to the three companies that own the mine, and we will carry them to the Guajira on November 1 and give them to the mine representatives when we meet with them.

(You might want to mention the Danish government's recent decision to ban coal imports from the Drummond mine because of human rights violations there. And our recent and upcoming delegations to the Guajira.)

I'm sure you can think of other, creative ways to support the union and the communities in this process. Now is the time!!




The National Union of the Coal Industry "SINTRACARBON" is preparing to present a negotiating proposal to the corporation Carbones del Cerrejón. Carbones del Cerrejón is a joint venture by the multinationals Anglo-American, BHP Billiton, and Glencore (XStrata). The corporation's Cerrejón complex on the Guajira peninsula in Colombia is the largest open-pit coal mine in the world.

Our proposal contains some basic points for discussion including the health, education, and welfare of the communities in the mining region, the workers' lack of economic resources, and other issues.

Our union, SINTRACARBON, has maintained an important presence in the department of Guajira and in Colombia. We have participated in many social struggles in the region and in the country. We have participated in the struggle for the right to work of those who earn their living working in vehicles that come from Venezuela legally, in mobilizations by small business owners in Maicao, in the campaign for the right to work by gasoline merchants, in mobilizations for better public services, in the demands and demonstrations by the Indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities for their rights, and others.

Our negotiations will begin in the month of November. We have high hopes of resolving the problems of the communities that have suffered the effects of coal mining and of the workers who have dedicated their working lives to the coal complex.

We thank all of the organizations that can lend us their support in this process.


Jaime Delúquez

President, Sintracarbón

El Sindicato Nacional de la Industria del Carbon "SINTRACARBON", se apresta a presentar pliego de peticiones a la corporación Carbones del Cerrejón, conformada por las multinacionales Angloamerican, BHP Billiton y Glencore (Xtrata). Esta corporación explota la mina de carbón mas grande del mundo en el complejo carbonifero El Cerrejón en la Guajira colombiana.
El petitorio contiene puntos basicos para resolver como la Salud, Educación, Beneficio de las comunidades, iliquidez económica de los trabajadores y otros aspectos. SINTRACARBON es un sindicato con presencia importante en el departamento de la Guajira y en Colombia.
Este sindicato ha participado en muchas luchas sociales que se han librado en la región y el país, entre ellas hemos participado en la lucha por el derecho al trabajo de las personas que derivan su sustento laborando en vehiculos que vienen legalmente de la república de Venezuela, en las movilizaciones de los comerciantes de Maicao,en el reclamo por el derecho al trabajo de los expendedores de gasolina, en las movilizaciones por reclamar mejores servicios públicos,en las denuncias y movilizaciones de las comunidades indigenas y afrodescendientes por reclamar sus derechos, etc.
La negociación se iniciará en el mes de noviembre y existen grandes expectativas´por resolver problemas de las comunidades que han sufrido los efectos de la explotación carbonifera y por los trabajadores que han entregado su fuerza laborel a este complejo.
Agradecemos a todas las organizaciones hermanas, el apoyo que nos puedan brindar en este proceso.
Fraternalmente, Jaime Delúquez Presidente Sintracarbón.
North Shore Colombia Solidarity Committee:

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