The North Shore Colombia Solidarity Committee Blog

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Monday, January 22, 2007


Can you go to Florida next week???

Mountain Justice Summer is organizing this and is eager for our participation and to bring in Colombia issues. Cerrejon president Leon Teicher will be speaking there, as well as Hernan Martinez, Colombia's Minister of Mines and former president of Intercor (the Exxon subsidiary that used to own the mine). The timing is crucial as Cerrejon workers have just voted in favor of a strike. Let me know if you think you can help!



Original article is at Print comments.

Resist International "Coaltrans Americas" Coal Convention Jan.31-Feb.1 in Miami
by MJS & Friends Friday, Jan. 19, 2007 at 12:15 PM

This is a call to take action & demonstrate against the Jan 31-Feb 1 "Coaltrans Americas" convention happening at the Ritz-Carlton on Key Biscayne, Miami's "premier luxury oceanfront resort and spa," located on the southernmost barrier island in the United States & 5 miles driving from downtown Miami ... a perfect secluded retreat for 21st century coal barons, or ideal spot for creative protest actions they'll never expect?

Resist International...
protest_international_coal_industry.jpg, image/jpeg, 768x195


Hey friends,

Do you live in or near Miami, or do you know people here? If you were aware that international coal-industry corporations are about to invade Miami, would you help take action & spread the word to protect human rights and the environment?

It's true: There is a mega conference of coal barons responsible for land theft, "mountain-top removal" strip mining, and overall land destruction happening in Miami on January 31st and February 1st.

Mountain Justice Summer (MJS) is a network I am part of fighting strip mining in the mountains of southern Appalachia. But have no doubt, strip mining and destruction of people's lands and watersheds is happening world wide now. Indigenous people are fighting to stop strip mining for coal at Black Mesa arizona, in the 4 Corners area of New Mexico, in the Everglades of Florida, in Venezuela, China, Canada--worldwide. Greenhouse gas emissions from the burning of coal is one one of the main causes of global warming, which we now know is a rapidly worsening phenomenon that will have catastrophic impacts unless we act NOW to create a sustainable culture (and stop "King Coal")!

This is a meeting in Miami of all the coal companies ripping apart watersheds, polluting the atmosphere, and stealing people's land all across the Americas (see below).

So -- when the international coal executives meet in Miami at the end of this month, will you be silent? Or will you dare to stand up and demonstrate against this destruction? Will you show solidarity with people around the world who are fighting for our lives against coal?

We need to have some sign of resistance against strip mining to these coal industry representatives. If you need to call in sick from work, or cut school, on Wednesday the 31st or Thursday the 1st in order to join us protesting Coaltrans -- just do it!!! Be one of those people holding signs and giving out info, or taking direct action. The seriousness and importance of this cannot be over stated. We need some sort of substantial presence at this convention if just to show solidarity with our comrades in South America. The information collection potential of just having people ATTEND the conference is amazing.

If you can help out with organizational solidarity or material support, please let us know. We need help with mass outreach and our media blitz, and more bodies taking non-violent direct action! I am one Mountain Justice Summer activist, organizing on the ground now in Miami to build this mobilization. Will you join me???

Please have people contact me at or 856-535-5053 if they can help.

for the earth!
ethan green, mjs

North Shore Colombia Solidarity Committee

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